I don't believe the falling prices have much to do with supply and demand. I think the market is rigged by the elite. According to Lindsey Williams, OPEC doesn't decided what they're going to sell oil for. Somebody else does. He also predicted that oil would soon drop to $50/barrel, and he made this prediction before it had yet peaked at $140 something. He got his info from a CEO within the oil cartel.
As much as it would be good for America to provide its own oil, America needs other countries to sell us oil while in turn using those dollars to buy our debt. If that doesn't happen, then the game is over anyway, as about the only thing that's been keeping the dollar half-way stable for the last several years is the fact that it's the reserve currency of the world, established during the Brenton Woods Conference in 1945. Ever since Nixon took the US off the gold standard in 1972, the dollar's 'new' backing was oil. Other countries hold our dollars to buy oil, among other things. The US empire is now dwindling, other country's demand for our dollars is fading, and the our leaders our trying to convince us that these bail-outs will make everything alright. Like I said, the game is soon going to be over, and most Americans will have to get used to a much lower standard of living.