I see no problem with how you are using your lubricator, but have found that Lyman sizers leak badly out of the bottom when a heated plate is under them. To stop this problem. Clean the plate and bottom of the lubricator, grinding any bumps off which let it rock on the plate, apply Permatex Copper high temperature silicone between the two, bolt down and wait at least 24 hours before using. It will never leak again.
If the gas check shank is too small to hold a check after sizing it will probably not have enough grip to give optimum gas check advantage. If gas checks have to be pressed on, they will shave more on one side than the other and throw the bullet out of balance. Also, for sure if you are using Lyman sizer dies, they will knock the gas check out of square when you bump the bullet against the stop plug at the bottom of the sizer stroke. For best accuracy stop plugs should be cupped out slightly and faced squarely in a lathe so only about 1/32 inch wide area around the perimeter contacts the bullet when it bottoms out. Press down hard enough to imprint a ring at least 80% of the way around the bullet base and you'll have perfectly square bases on every bullet. - It sounds like you rarely if ever have square ones now.
If a mold will not cast bullets without wrinkles it either is not hot enough or the lead stream isn't fast enough. Clean out the pour spout on your pot using a wire dipped in flux. Bend the wire at 90 deg so you don't burn your pinkies. The best and cheapest flux I've found is hog or bear lard or chicken fat. Be sure it doesn't have salt in it as with used frying grease. If you smoke a mold the smoke will take up space which is supposed to be for lead, and will wear off quickly in the tight areas. If you work with the above things you'll get wrinkle free bullets. I don't save bullets until they are all dropping frosty. If you try to make shiney bullets only with your range scrap you'll never get good precision projectiles.
As for the molds you are using. Most bullet designs will shoot well IF they cast large enough to fit the gun, and if the gun is properly set up for cast, and if the loads used don't over stress the bullet design and lube being used. You have all of these problems it appears. Read my forum over and you'll learn a lot about how to fit cast bullets, and more if you go to my website LBTMoulds.com
I wrote Jacketed Performance with Cast Bullets for people like you. You can order it at the site above. Read it and life will change for you
After spending some time at these you'll learn that I have little regard for any of the bullets you are using, simply because I was never able to get top accuracy with commercially mass produced molds either. That's why I started LBT, and the custom mold making. I produce ONLY strong bullet designs, meaning that they can withstand maximum chamber pressure and misfit in the gun and still be accurate, and I cut them to fit the gun of interest. Precision in, precision out.
My standard of accuracy is high. With revolvers almost any load I want to shoot MUST print within an inch at 25 yards or I do some checking on the guns dimensions and bullet fit, etc. I have not set up a revolver in the last 25 years that would not meet this standard with the first loads I put together. Even two inch barreled Charter arms, though I can't hold or sight them well enough to be real consistant. You can do the same and learn to do it quickly. All accurate guns are a precision launch pad. If there is inaccuracy, precision has fallen through a crack somewhere.
Lest I be to salty, don't throw out any of the molds you have until you have learned the requirements for accuracy as I've outlined above. If they fit your guns, or only one gun, they will perform well if you work within their 'speed limits'.