If you guys could help us Illiniosans out:
I just got this off the RTKABA web site. The Cook County, IL Comissioners are proposing gun control legislation that if passed will close down all gun shops plus ban and confiscate most guns owned by citizens of that county. They have set up a telephone poll to guage voter support for the legislation, but voting is not restricted to county residents. You can call 1-312-603-6400 and press 1 at the prompt, then 1 at the next prompt and 2 to vote against the legislation. I know politics is a crooked as a snakes back in Illinois, but let's try to help our fellow gun owners if we can. Most cell phones have free long distance and it just takes seconds to vote. We can take the old Chicago line to "Vote early and vote often" and maybe shove it in the appropriate orifice in Cook County, IL.