After reviewing the pictures of the firearm and reading the "informational" passages on the Towner Mfg site, I concluded this is an overpriced "specialty" build of a non-impressive nature. The firerarm displays very little attention to fit and finish. A visit to the "Towner Manufacturing" site, which states they are a part of the Reese Technology Center, provides a feeling of why this firearm may be so overpriced. While I support small business (I work with many small companies), I do get the feeling this particular rifle is overpriced and offers little in the way of return on investment for the purchaser. For this kind of money one should expect a durable and well executed firearm design, one displaying its quality in the pictures presented by the company. I must ask, have you purchased one? Have you visited the Towner Manufacturing site? I may be wrong in this assessment, and invite a product report on this firearm by you or someone that has used one of these rifles. I am not flaming you, just offering a strong personal position on an expensive "niche" firearm that seems poorly executed and is offered by a company that may flounder and leave someone with what appears to be a "clunker."