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I've been corresponding with Moyers Gun Repair about the lack of quality and fit on his TG and spacer, his last email was a response forwarded from another customer that complained about the poor fit, basically the same issues that have been discussed here. I even offered to send him a trigger guard so he can see what's wrong with his copy, I've sent him numerous pics showing the discrepancies in his copy which he seems to blame on us as not knowing what we're doing, he thinks that his trigger guard is an exact duplicate of a modern TG, but I think he's using something very old that has changed since he thinks the rear part won't fit a frame unless he cuts that part away like he does. I won't be ordering any more of his TGs or spacers, maybe he'll get the message and make some improvements, he could charge a bit more money and it wouldn't be bad if he'd make them fit like they should and match current production parts. Tim
well now I feel like a dumb@$$