Morn'in 1sourdough,
Nope, the rod/bar itself didn't break, but rather it came loose and when the action cycled, it drove the end of the loose rod into the wood forend, which in turn cracked the wood.
Having never been into a BAR, I didn't desire to go any deeper without a parts break down, which the gun's owner never got to me.
The little bliter hasn't even said thanks or boooooo for what I did for him. The rifle came to me and went back through a fellow who lives in my little town, so I havn't talked to Matt since he ask me to do the repair.
Guess I shouldn't expect any more, took the kid hunting - ONE TIME - when he was much younger and once was enough.
Anyway it would have been nice to be thanked for the hours involved in repair and recutting the checkering.
Oh well, kids is kids, cept this one is old - mid 30s - enough to have learned some manners!
Keep em coming!