Hey Al3006, I have used both in the field and my dad handloads both for me (he has been handloading for 30+ years). Here is what we have found and done..Hope it is helpful.
Shoot a Rem 700 7mag (it's one of the older stainless steel but has a blued barrel models). I have shot 2 moose with it. One was with 140 grn speer handloads running at factory speed. Shot it in the neck at ~ 175 yds. Dropped on the spot. Bullet made a complete pass thru. To my Dad's chegrin, i went out and bought 150 grain remington scirocco's for the second moose hunt. This time I put the bullet a little back. The moose was broadside at ~125 yds, bullet went through the liver and some other goods. The moose went about 75 yds and we recovered the bullet in the opposite hide. Retained about 95% of it's weight. This is the exception though for our family we rely on 140 grain sierra boattails or speer boattails. The have killed many animals and never failed, from 30 yds to 419 paces on a 200+ lb Maine whitetail. That bullet took out the heart, one lung and was in the hide on the opposite side and weighed 121.8 grains. Deer went ~75 yds. I can get the exact load from my Dad if you would like ? The closest factory load we have seen is the 139 grain Hornady boattail interlocks. All of these rounds shoot under an inch at 100 yds. We have shot the Sierra's to a 5/8 inch group at 100 off the best.
For the 30'06 I am not a believer in anything bigger than 150 grain bullets. This email is already too long whinded to add in all of the shortcomings we have seen with the 180 grain bullet, mostly in the old 742 semi's. I went out a few years ago and bought a 7600 pump carbine for my woods hunting, the mag was just getting too heavy. It loves 150 grain Hornady's and remington factories. My Dad loaded up the 150 interbond this year and I whacked a nice buck , but the jacket seperated from the core?>!! I guess the Hornady guy is right, he said the bullet performed flawlessy cause the deer is dead.
Anyways, in summary 139grain to 145 grain speer in the 7mag. 150 grain in the '06. And to all of those guys who say on paper the two rounds are pretty much the same...yeah on paper they are. I love my 06 pump but mine and my family's experience with both rounds puts the '06 in a distant second place

Ok sorry if this is too long guys, get carried away