Both right. It appears to have a fluid recoil and/or counterrecoil cylinder(s), like the "hydropneumatic" system on the "French 75" of 1897. Also, it has a rotating cylinder for rapid-fire, not sure how that loads, but one of the early production cannons with that was the German MG151 of 1940. The South also had a rotary kind of gun under name of Tappey and Lumsden (now in Petersburg VA,) but I don't think but one or two were made.
If you want larger view of one of the images posted here, unless I'm mistaken, you can copy the link for it by right-clicking on the image, then going to Properties. You copy that link then put it in your browser address window, and the image should come up full sized.
You may have to add ".jpg" back on like I do, because my "properties" doesn't copy that part.
What I get when I go to properties for one pic above is then I add .jpg to it, copy it into browser, and go to an image about double the size of the one displayed by this site within a post.
It is a good trick to keep in mind.