I am going into my 46th year of bowhunting-you also, have many years so you already know what you want in the FEEL, GRIP in a bow-myself, I care very little about the speed since I shoot 30 yds. & under (99% of the time).
I went to releases when they were just using a ledge but shot my 1st 30 Biggame animals instictive, Recurve & fingers. I now use a wrist release thou I like the 3 finger better-broke my good one so changed to the wrist.
I have had all the bells & whistles. I have shot Darton for many, many years thou I have probably shot almost every other kind over the years including Hoyt. ALL have been good-I have 2 dartons with 40% & 50% let off that are 8 & 10 years old-soooo, I just sighted in my NEW 75% let off 60# Darton last week for this season. I love the let off, didn't realize how long an old man could hold that bow back.
Anyway, if you like the grip, you will shoot it well. Good Luck this seaosn... My opener is Oct. 1(Iowa) & I will be in Texas mid Nov. & Wis. a couple times too & filming my family in Ill. (right across the river (Miss.) from me also.