Author Topic: The best bowhunting ground blind, Your experiences please  (Read 767 times)

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Offline 308

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The best bowhunting ground blind, Your experiences please
« on: June 28, 2003, 02:01:06 PM »
I'm a Florida bowhunter who has been hunting over 20 years and I've had very good luck. I have always used treestands because the woods are so thick. They say though someone who is close minded is through getting better and I don't ever want to quit learning about the great sport of bowhunting.

 The woods I hunt on are owned by timber companys who have logged off most of the hardwoods and have planted pines instead. The hardwoods are truly beautiful and I hate to see them go but in this day and time I'm just glad to have a place to hunt.

 My problem is that in some places that would be great to hunt, plenty of good buck sign every year, the trees are not big enough to put a tree stand on, permanent stands are not allowed either.

 I have never hunted from a ground blind but this year I am ready to try one. I would prefer one that is carryable for a 1/4 mile or so and easy to set up. Also one that the deer cannot see inside of when you move or draw the bow.

 What are your experiences with ground blinds? Which brand and model do you like? What are the pros and cons of the blinds you have used?

 I have about 3 mos to get a blind and practice using it before bow season gets here.
 Thank you all for your answers in advance: Joey S aka: 308

Offline 2eagles

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The best bowhunting ground blind, Your expe
« Reply #1 on: June 29, 2003, 01:37:09 PM »
I have some of the same thoughts and questions about ground blinds.  First of all, I can't understand why these blinds sell for $200 or $300 when I can buy a very nice four person tent with floor, screens and a rain fly for $75.  Second, I know deer are very sensitive to something new in their livingroom.  The size of a tent, wow!  I have used the die cut camo material for a curtain in front of me.  I kept it low profile and added natural vegatation around it.  I have been sighted as something not right and ended up with spooked deer every time.  Fact is, I was probably set up too close to the deer trail.  This year, on private land I hunt, I am going to use the curtain again.  But, I will set it up weeks before the season so the deer have a chance to get used to it.  We'll see.  Jim

Offline ahunter55

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ground blind
« Reply #2 on: August 25, 2003, 03:11:55 AM »
I have the Ameristep-doghouse.  I beleive I paid under $100 for it. Plenty big for 2 people & ALL their gear plus I film so sometimes have 2-3 cameras set up.  I really like it-fast up n down.
Will be using on a 5 day Texas Bowhunt in mid Nov..  I don't often use at home (midwest) as plenty of excellent trees for stands.
always thankful