Ten years ago or so when I first got my Super 14 30-30, all I shot was factory rounds ... and LOTS of them! I found the best accuracy with 150gr loads and would not hesitate to use them on deer out to 130yds or so. I went thru a bunch of boxes of Winchester and PMC, but never had a chrono until recently.
Just for kicks I sent 1 PMC 150gr factory round over the Chrony this spring and got an even 2100fps!! I thought this was very impressive for a 14" barrel with factory ammo! I don't think my own 150gr reloads would do this. The 130gr loads I was working on at the time were only doing a max of 2200fps.
Like I said, 130yds or there abouts would be my limit. I know these factory loads will shoot right around 1" groups at 100yds out of my gun, and at 2100fps they should be plenty potent out to that distance.
Good luck ... Crayfish