Author Topic: '58 Remington Navy versus '62 Colt Pocket Police  (Read 1489 times)

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Offline bedbugbilly

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'58 Remington Navy versus '62 Colt Pocket Police
« on: January 08, 2009, 12:04:49 PM »
I am considering either of these two models as I want a shorter barrel (both models have a 6 1/2" barrel)-than the Army models (easier to get out of the holster) and I want a .36 caliber.  Does anybody out there have any experience with either of these models that can tell me the pros and cons of each?  Is one model easier to get jambed up from cap fragments, foul quicker, etc.?  Comparison of the two weight wise, ease in aiming, etc.?

Is the '58 Remington Navy just a '58 Remington Army only in .36 caliber"  i.e. is frame, barrel size, etc. the same or is it actually "scaled down" to .36 cal.?  Are those made by Uberti and Pietta the same size?

Cabellas lists a "Remington New Army Police" model in .36 caliber (Item 915-210072 - $219.99) that I believe is made by Pietta.  Is this a different pistol than the '58 Remington Navy .36 or is it the same pistol with a different name?

Cabellas also lists a '58 Remington New Army in .44 caliber with a 5 1/2" barrel.  Does anyone know if a Remington "Navy" in .36 caliber is made with a 5 1/2" barrel?

I know it comes down to personal preference but I would still like to hear about anyone's experiences they have had with either model and if there are any things to look out for.  Any advice / help / information would be greatly appreciated!  Thanks!
If a pair of '51 Navies were good enough for Billy Hickok, then a single one on my right hip is good enough for me.  Besides, I'm probably only half as good as he was anyway . . . . now . . . how do I load this confounded contraption?

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Offline mcwoodduck

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Re: '58 Remington Navy versus '62 Colt Pocket Police
« Reply #1 on: January 08, 2009, 12:31:47 PM »
The 36 caliber Model 58 I saw was just a 36 caliber with a shorter barrel version of my 58 Remington Army.  A 58 is a 58 like a mauser 98 is a mauser 98.
The 62 is a different critter.
I have a Remington 1858 and a Colt 1860 copy.
Of the two I like the 58 better to shoot.  It loads and cleans easier, but the grip on the Colt fits my hand better.  The sights on the 58 are larger and easier to see but not by much, similar to sights on a S&W M10 when you look down them.  The sights on the Colt are a notch in the hammer and a bump on the barrel, It took me a little while to get used to them.  As to what gun locks up with caps.  Both have.  The Remington was easier to clear.  I just dropped the loading arm, pulled the cylinder pin and dropped out the whole cylinder and was careful with the live cylinder.  The Colt too has stopped and simply getting the hammer back and getting the cap out from the hammer was the easy clear. But I did have to dissassemble the colt in the field and it was hard.

Offline buckskin billy

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Re: '58 Remington Navy versus '62 Colt Pocket Police
« Reply #2 on: January 08, 2009, 05:29:51 PM »
i have owned a remington in the pass, and i own several colts. i myself is a colt man. but that is my preference as the remington is a good strong design.
 the remington navy is the same as the 58 army but its just .36 caliber with a shorter barrel.
 the remington i owned shot good, but would bind up after about 10 rounds or so. not so bad as to keep me from shooting but could feel the resistance while cocking the gun.
 as far as caps falling off and jamming the gun. i experiance it with both colt and remington.  i don't have it happen at all any more with my colts since i discovered apco nipples. they seem to fit the caps a whole lot better. i haven't shot a remington with apco nipples, but i would bet that you wouldn't have a problem with it either. the fit of the cap to nipple is very important and i would recomend a better nipple than what comes on the gun.
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Offline Cowpox

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Re: '58 Remington Navy versus '62 Colt Pocket Police
« Reply #3 on: January 12, 2009, 02:06:10 PM »
I own both Colt and Remington style clones, and agree with the coments of mcwoodduck and bedbugbilly.

   If you are planning on only one of the two, be aware that the 1862 Pocket pistols could be described as the 32 auto pocket pistols of their day.

They are rather small, about 1/2 the wieght of the full sized designs,  Are only 5 shot, and are rather under powered.  In the old days, they were concealed carry guns, and were designed more for being discreat, than being well armed.  Mine is fun to shoot, more accurate than I am, and I would hate to part with it, but a holster gun it is not.  If I could only have one, I would chose the Remington, because of the extra power, and the fact it is just plain easier to control and hit with.

    The 36 Remington has 6 shots, and full loads contain about twice as much powder as the pocket pistols.  They are much more practical when it comes to holster carry or plinking time.

    I would guess Pietta used "New Army Police", because other companys are using the "Navy" designation, but would bet they are pretty much the same guns. 

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Re: '58 Remington Navy versus '62 Colt Pocket Police
« Reply #4 on: January 20, 2009, 05:15:13 PM »
I'd pick the Remington any day, not as sexy or nice to hold as the Colt, but in my experience they are much tougher and give fewer problems in the long run.

Offline bedbugbilly

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Re: '58 Remington Navy versus '62 Colt Pocket Police
« Reply #5 on: January 23, 2009, 04:52:46 PM »
Thanks to everyone for you input - it is greatly appreciated!  I've decided to go with the Remington 58 Navy when I'm able to as it will pretty much answer all that I am looking for.  I plan on picking up a couple of spare cylinders for it as well.  Again, thanks for your opinions and experiences - they have been a great help!  Sincerely, Jim
If a pair of '51 Navies were good enough for Billy Hickok, then a single one on my right hip is good enough for me.  Besides, I'm probably only half as good as he was anyway . . . . now . . . how do I load this confounded contraption?

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