"...hot water, conc. lemon juice, and some ordinary liquid dish soap."
Just goes to show that many of us are just too anal about case cleaning, don't it? As we agree, clean is the object and there are many solutons that give us that quite well.
I keep a gallon of white vinegar in my loading room for doing the same thing. Vinegar has a mild acid, same as the more expensive lemon juice except it's from apples, and it cuts the gooey stull about as well as most detergents. Pour enough to cover the brass in a bowl and let it soak for an hour or two, pour the vinegar back, then flush the cases with fresh water. Spread them out in a single layer over a few sheets of newspaper in the sun and let them dry.
A gallon jug of vinegar works good, it's cheap and lasts a long time!