Since 1980, I've used a Ruger M-77 in .243...It's taken over 175 deer, 5 black bears and untold numbers of crows, coyotes, foxes, groundhogs, beavers and varous other varmits...
But I would ask...Do you reload or are you buying factory loadings???
If buying factory, do you mind spending $25 bucks or so for a box of bullets???
Also, most 25-06s come with a 24 inch barrel, it's a great round, but once you add another couple inches of barrel and a longer action it just seems too long for my taste...
Frankly, I don't care for the .260...One of my hunting buddies bought one the first year they came out...If you don't reload, forget it, we lost a half a days hunting looking for shells one November morning...Plus, the bullest really go for a premium...
I guess I'm pretty unoriginal but in deer sized cartridges I'd stick to the .243, 7mm-08, .308,
.270 and .30-06...These have gotten it done for years, with the 7mm-08 the youngest at about 28 years old...
All of these can also double as varmit rounds if you don't plan to eat or sell the hide...I've killed many groundhogs with my brothers .270 simply because that's what we had in the truck at the time...