About a year or so ago she was taken to the hospitol and the carbon dioxide??? Or monoxide??? was up to 267, 90 is lethal. They again called the family in saying she will be dead before the night is over, more prayers, she still lives. I've lost track of the blood transfusions in her short life, well over 100 I know for sure. I can't understand why God has allowed this suffering to go on, but there is a purpose, I just don't know what it is. There have been many times that I've prayed for it to end, asked God to either heal her, or take her home. Through all of this her mind has stayed very sharp, no learning disabilities or brain damage. Our son said, She's a perfect baby Dad, she just bleeds a lot. Through all this John and Kristina have kept their faith in God, I'm so proud of them both. They live in ILL, me in KY. My mom has cancer too, remember her too please.
Matt, thanks for fixing the link, don't know why mine didn't take. POWDERMAN.