Take out the magazine, spray "innards" with "Gun Scrubber", "Bore Snake" the barrel via the magazine "well" (cleans ramp), use a "smidgen" of "Break-free" on the slide, and shoot another 1000 rounds. They are one of the most reliable, trouble-free pistols made!
While I can take down every centerfire rifle or pistol I own, I avoid taking apart the Ruger Mark I, II, or III. After seeing many Rugers (and other .22 auto's) put out of commission for weeks on end from lost parts or incompetent "shade tree" gunsmiths (excepting those professionals), I am convined that Wm. Ruger designed the Mark II so "break down" is not only difficult, but unecessary.
If taking guns apart and putting them back together "winds your clock", you are not alone; the military teaches it from day one, as do most law enforcement agencies. Just remember, they purchase their guns that are "mil spec" for a reason ("Murphy's" law). Most civilian weapons are not subjected to such rigors and could not stand the wear of constant teardown of components without a "armourer" to supply the parts.