Author Topic: American Sell Out.  (Read 285 times)

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American Sell Out.
« on: February 11, 2009, 02:24:00 PM »
After reading this I might have to send him a few bucks.  If we set by and do nothing our leaders (?) will sell us out.

Dear Friend,           
Who can believe this!!!  With all the hardships Americans workers and companies are facing it is inconceivable, but our elected elite are actually behind closed doors working to assure that illegal workers and foreign companies share in the bailout!!  Here are just a few of the outrages:
Illegal Aliens   The Senate rejected Senator Sessions' Amendment to require the federal contractors use E-Verify, which would prevent jobs going to illegal workers.  According to a study by Robert Rector 300,000 new construction jobs alone would go to illegal aliens without E-Verify.
H-1B Visas   Senators Chuck Grassley and Bernie Sanders introduced an amendment that would stop new jobs from going to temporary foreign H1B workers.  It passed, but was then watered down to allow companies to hire the foreign workers if they simply jump through a few loopholes.
Radical Open Borders Groups   The stimulus bill provides over 250 million dollars directly and up to 5 billion dollars in tax exemption to approved "Community Development" institutions.    Approved institutions include La Raza and ACORN.   No one can be certain how much these organizations will be getting but I guarantee it will be a handsome sum considering their own lobbyists and left wing bureaucrats will be dividing it up. 
Brazil   General Motors which has already received $13.4 billion in taxpayer bailout money and asking for more just announced it will take $1 billion of TARP funds and invest it in Brazil!
Foreign Goods   In the Senate version of the Stimulus package the "Buy American" clause was watered down to apply only to a few goods like steel.  The majority of the stimulus money can now go overseas.

President Obama and his left wing pals are demanding an immediate vote on this massive spending bill claiming Americans will suffer even further if we don't get it passed.  Then they fight every effort to put tools in place that will assure these trillions of dollars will be available for foreign companies and foreign workers.   Where is the transparency?
The Left is demanding a quick vote so Americans will never hear what goodies they have buried inside this monstrosity.  They don't want to expose it to the light of day-they know if they are forced to defend this bill on the national stage they will lose all credibility.  Hypocrisy is at an all time high. 
We need to Act Now:  We must let everyone in Congress know we will not stand for this.  These trillions of dollars of taxpayer money must go to American companies and American workers!   Please let your Congressman and Senators know how you feel.  Get on the phones to their offices today! [Click Here for a list of House phone numbers Click Here for the Senate numbers.  Or you can call the capital switchboard toll free at 1 (866) 220-0044 and ask for your Congressman or Senator]
And I am not just asking you to do all the work.  I will be on radio beginning tomorrow and will do as many programs as possible to get the word our to more and more Americans, and will ask them to call their elected officials as well.
Thank you for all you do for this great country and please do not despair-we can not let them sell our nation out.  We must fight with everything we have to stop them.
Also I must ask if there is any way you are able to make a contribution to Team America it would be very much appreciated.  Our enemies are getting millions upon millions of dollars from the federal government and Corporate America-Team America, on the other hand, must rely solely on patriots like you.   
But I wouldn't change places with them for anything-because I know we are on the same side as the people of this great country.
So if you can give $25, $35, or even $100, I can guarantee it will be used to make certain that American workers and American companies have millions of fellow Americans fighting for them. 
Please keep the faith in these difficult times.
Warmest personal regards,
Bay Buchanan