Author Topic: 30-30 Spirepoint bullets  (Read 520 times)

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Offline brennemanj83

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30-30 Spirepoint bullets
« on: February 22, 2009, 05:23:18 PM »
Can anybody suggest a good pire point bullet load for in my 30-30 savage 340.I will mainly be using it for hogs and deer.

Also I am looking for cartridges for collection I will pay shipping.
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Re: 30-30 Spirepoint bullets
« Reply #1 on: February 23, 2009, 01:13:06 AM »
 Being a box mag and spire point safe about any bullet under 150 and some 165s will likely be just fine in your savage. First one that comes to mind is the new Hornady FTX bullet. Its 160grs and has a correct cannalure for a good crimp too!!

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Offline brennemanj83

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Re: 30-30 Spirepoint bullets
« Reply #2 on: February 23, 2009, 06:42:01 AM »
 Being a box mag and spire point safe about any bullet under 150 and some 165s will likely be just fine in your savage. First one that comes to mind is the new Hornady FTX bullet. Its 160grs and has a correct cannalure for a good crimp too!!


Thanks CW I have tried the Hornady factory loads with that and they shoot alright for through my gun but I believe they could d better.I was getting 2'' groups at 100yds with them.Using Winchester 170gr factory loads through it I can get under 3/4'' at 100yds.I'm currently loading it with 165gr Hornadys with 28.5gr of AA2230 with satisfactory results.Any suggestions for data for the 160gr Hornady FTX bullet?
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Re: 30-30 Spirepoint bullets
« Reply #3 on: February 23, 2009, 06:52:51 AM »
I got some direct from Hornady. Tim sent me some he got from them as well.

BUT.. I seem to have lost the file...

 You can request it yourself from Hornady.

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Offline brennemanj83

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Re: 30-30 Spirepoint bullets
« Reply #4 on: February 23, 2009, 07:09:57 AM »
Ok thanks CW.
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Re: 30-30 Spirepoint bullets
« Reply #5 on: February 23, 2009, 09:07:27 AM »
Here's their 30-30 data for the 160gr .308" FTX. If you want something lighter, the 125gr Sierra PH SPT #2120 is a well built bullet, Sierra shows data for it in their TC pistol at 1900fps, and up thru the 30-06 AI at 3400fps in their rifle data.  ;) If you don't mind the cost, the 130gr Barnes TSX or TTSX are a fine bullets with excellent BCs of .340 and .350 respectively, I'll be working with the TTSX in my 30-30AI H&R soon. 

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Re: 30-30 Spirepoint bullets
« Reply #6 on: February 23, 2009, 10:41:15 AM »
I use Sierra 150s not so much because I think the spire point deign buys me anything in performance but really only because that's what my friend Billy Doss (now deceased) had on hand for me to use in making him some ammo long ago when he got that little .30-30 with the mannlicher stock that is now mine. I loaded him up 100 rounds for it using the bullet he had on hand and am still shooting them up. I don't believe he lived long enough to ever fire the rifle after I loaded the ammo for him.

Most likely when I finish up that 100 I'll use whatever I have on hand next time again.

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Offline brennemanj83

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Re: 30-30 Spirepoint bullets
« Reply #7 on: February 23, 2009, 11:21:10 AM »
Thanks Guys.....I'm gonna order a box of the 160gr FTX as well as the 130gr Bares TSX and see if I can wrk up a good load using them.As far as Barnes Bullets..........well In my oppinion they are well worth the extra cost.I have used the 165gr TSX bullet in a 300 win mag before with great bullet performance.I shot a spike buck at 120 paces with it and he dropped in his tracks.Very little bloodshot meat and as able to eat up to the bullet hole.
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