I hate to say it, but the American People, by casting the votes they did in the last National Elections, decided their gun rights were less important then other issues, like "change". The truth is most people are not all that smart, and are easily led, like sheep. Impressed with smooth talk, nonsensical retherec, and the consistantly biased liberal media agenda, they, or I should say we, have made our choices. Did anyone with an ounce of common sense not think a liberal administration, backed by a liberal Senate and Congress would not take immediate anti-gun action?
The real truth is America, is not our grandparents, or even our parents America any more. This country is changing, for any number of reasons. Things like honor, personal responsibility, common sense, and just doing the right thing are falling by the way side. I can think of a lot to say, but it's really too depressing. The simple fact is if you are someone who believes in the corner stones of what being an American used to be, it's going to be a rough road ahead. Thing is, don't blame any one man. This Country is where it is at today because "we the people", wether thru desire, stupidity, greed, misunderstanding, or dis-interest, allowed it to happen. OK, thats my 2 cents.