barrels are individuals! kinda like women lol some fickle and picky some are not
BUT i would try 40-55 grain bullets in it first my 1-9 223 shoots 55 grain sierra hpbt game kings into .140-.160 5 shot groups @ 100 yards off the bench
BUT that is with weighed cases that are trimmed and de-burred, primer pockets uniformed and flash hole trimmed and weighed bullets that match
with weighted 24.7 grains of BENCHMARK at an OAL 0f 2.280 (seated little long) everything else the same and using a 55 grain Nosler ballistic tip it shoot a 2 inch group (why?), and its SUPPOSED to like only heavy 60-69 grain because of the twist so ya just gotta try it what kind of groups do YOU want/need? hunting or bench? ground squirrels or foxes and coyotes or crows? DEER?(i would not but people do it) mine is a 350 yard coyote gun and i use it
Lets say ya want to hunt varmints with it? ok I can bench mine and get those awesome groups sure! (and make the savage,remington,browning guys hot @ my $230 gun) BUT in the field offhand shooting? maybe 2 inches@ a hundred on a good day
with a field rest (a limb,rockpile, my backpack ) "yotes are pretty much toast to 350
crows ? depends on the wind 250 maybe 300 if its calm So if you get it and try different factory ammo( guys here swear by the winchester white box 45grain load) one guy on here said his loves the cheap lead softpoints (wolf?) i say go for it try it that why we do this for the aggravation
>:(and fun
if ya cannot get to shoot for you sell it and find a different barrel. REmFAN