Author Topic: Weathering the storm  (Read 1342 times)

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Offline Badnews Bob

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Weathering the storm
« on: February 05, 2009, 12:41:52 PM »
I hope everyone is staying warm, Its been a rough storm but this weekend should warm us up and maybe thaw some out. It should at least help the linemen get everybodys power back on.  Best of luck   Bob
Badnews Bob
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Re: Weathering the storm
« Reply #1 on: February 09, 2009, 09:25:39 AM »
we were lucky with the power, but have been without water for over a month now..

had to run a garden hose from one of our house,s outside faucet to our outside faucet, have enough water to flush toilets and take showers that way...thank god..

Offline Oldshooter

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Re: Weathering the storm
« Reply #2 on: February 09, 2009, 09:32:37 AM »

I hope things improve soon.
Are you getting any help from fema?
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Offline Badnews Bob

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Re: Weathering the storm
« Reply #3 on: February 09, 2009, 11:17:59 AM »
Not sure here in the middle part but the folks out western Ky really got slammed hard I hope someone is helping, I've heard alot of stories about people from other states lending a hand to the elderly and handiecapped. Good on'em good folks always show up when the SHTF. 8)
Badnews Bob
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Re: Weathering the storm
« Reply #4 on: February 09, 2009, 06:13:40 PM »
From what the weather folks here are saying the same folks are about to get pounded by yet another ice storm.

Bill aka the Graybeard
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Offline Badnews Bob

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Re: Weathering the storm
« Reply #5 on: February 10, 2009, 09:04:23 AM »
Looks like folks in the western part just might GB Its almost 60 here where I am at but raining allot I am sure watching this close. ???
Badnews Bob
AE-2 USN retired

Offline gwhilikerz

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Re: Weathering the storm
« Reply #6 on: February 14, 2009, 01:19:01 PM »
I think we weathered the storm pretty well. My power was out for 10 days, but we used propane and kerosene heaters. Had a propane camp stove and a charcoal grill on the front porch for cooking. I even made a trip 120 miles to Nashville for a generator. Using that for lights and the grandson's tv was a big relief. Food was not a problem for us, but the shelters and the National Guard had food for those that needed it.  The NG made a run by my house on day 11 of our 10 day ordeal to see if we were ok. FEMA was a no-show (except for a photo-op with the governor on day 15).
 When the power came back on it seems I was constantly flipping the light switch in the daytime just to be sure. Then we had that wind storm that blew down a lot of the limbs that were just hanging by a thread. I had three 55 gal barrels of aluminum drink cans that i hadn't crushed yet. The wind turned them over and it was some sight to see me chasing all those cans down. My back is still sore over that one.
 Moral of story: Be prepared as best you can be. You can't count on help from the outside to be quick to arrive.

Offline Oldshooter

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Re: Weathering the storm
« Reply #7 on: February 14, 2009, 01:35:46 PM »
You are absolutely correct about taking care of yourself. We weathered to hurricanes down here in southeast Texas. one was right after Katrina, we did not get the media attention like New Orleans and we did just fine on our own, The second storm flooded my home town and put 5 ft of water in my mothers home and we did just fine after that too.
You learn to get your generator ready get the propane ready, and stock up on the things you need! The government cant and wont take care of you unless you are stupid and can get on TV.
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Re: Weathering the storm
« Reply #8 on: March 04, 2009, 06:24:29 PM »
The storms were bad in Kentucky..Over 600,000 folks without power at one time and it took almost a month for some to get it back..It wrecked havok around here too..
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