Thanks guys for your replies,I was hoping to hear that. Today I bought a box of Hornady 139gr.Spire Points;that should be a good bullet for the 7mm. The barrel I bought is a factory new,24" in matte finish. My first thought was to have it trimmed to 21" to make it handier in the blind but the more I study on it I just might leave it at full length to really whip that bullet! I hope to find some factory brass but you know how it is-there is more powder to buy,more bullets for different rifles,better scopes for pet rifles and the list goes on and on. I might as well utilize all my .243 brass. And AtIlaw,how many years did I struggle to bring the expander ball out of the case before I learned about neck lubing,now it's a breeze. I guess there is an upside to getting older/wiser! Take care. Kix