Author Topic: Anti-Gun Senate Thinks 2nd Amendment is a Hobby, not a Right  (Read 404 times)

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Anti-Gun Senate Thinks 2nd Amendment is a Hobby, not a Right
« on: March 18, 2009, 07:21:48 AM »
A whole lot of people in Congress are claiming to protect your Second Amendment rights, but all they're really doing is protecting your hunting season.

We're talking about the Omnibus Public Lands Act. This bill was defeated last week in the House, but Congressional leaders have vowed to bring it up again soon.

Fear of upsetting gun owners kept this bill off the floor for several weeks, but in a close-door meeting last Tuesday, House leaders brokered a deal with some supposedly pro-gun Democrats.

They said they were concerned about your gun rights. They said they were going to "fix" the bill.  But they did not address the NPS anti-gun regulations that prohibit carrying a firearm for self defense without a government issued concealed carry permit.

What did they do?  They added language to the bill to say you can still go hunting.

That's right.  Many Congressmen claimed to be protecting the Second Amendment, when all they were really doing was thumbing their noses at self defense.

"Nothing in this Title shall be construed as affecting the authority, jurisdiction, or responsibility of the several States to manage, control, or regulate fish and resident wildlife under State law or regulations, including the regulation of hunting, fishing, trapping, and recreational shooting.  Nothing in this Title shall be construed as
limiting access for hunting, fishing, trapping, or recreational shooting.

They may as well have called it the "Elmer Fudd Protection Act."

Note:  Don't be fooled.  Politcal strategy is like rust, a covering it with fresh coat of paint doesn't stop it, and calling it something else doesn't change its true nature.  Sooner or later the damage will be done.

What they are really doing is trying to disguise the fact that the are attempting to write self-defense out of the law as a legitimate reason to own and carry a firearm anywhere you might have a need to.

They may talk of a "New Order" in the  world, but what they have in mind is only a revival of the oldest and worst tyranny.   No liberty, no religion, no hope.   It is an unholy alliance of power and pelf to dominate and to enslave the human race.