eating a bit o crow here.... since i lived thru instead of reading about it ,,i ll have to admit im wrong about the exact trade agreement titles names..
nafta an the giving to china,, most favored status happened
in the close time frame are tied togather in my memory..
the time frame not withstanding .. what i said about trade with china still stands,, sadly but so depressingly true that its hard for me to believe we actually did it..
we might have stood the huge salvo that came from allowing corp america to use cheap mexican labor..but china with her masses just swallowed our workers wellbeing ,in huge gulps a lion eating its prey..
the only thing that could stop it is strong tariffs ,but that time may have passed now also..if we stop trade we totally tick china off.[its time too..]
but not near as much as it would have before china labor bankrupted the working man here.. for that we can blame corp.. america.. so what greybeard is sayin just might be the real truth..
corp.. america sold us out,,intentionally or not.. that makes the real power not corp america but chinas leaders since they totally control corp americas interest over there.... so is the real author of our decline corp america or chinas leaders who allowed them to come into china,,after some courting.... i think they,[china] knew what the results would be..slim..
ps duk killer grnd given for your correctness in trade agreement got that part o u post right..but war is part of life on this earth and would cut chinas lifesblood[income] in half while putting us back to work..