william: yor drivin' me nutz here. I think that if someone were intent on killing you they would probably find a way to try but it certainly doesn't mean they would succeed, and since I haven't kicked it over and hung it up when that has been tried in the past, I'm not gonna do it now.
Now this one is a killer: "if there is an honest, planned, premeditated attempt". William - an honest attempt at murder. I luv ya bud bit I hain't never quite heard of that one before. OK, what you are referring to here is a planned assasination attempt which is almost always successful unless the intended target knows he or she is an intended target. If such is the case and the assasin knows his/her subject has gone 'hard' (aware of an attempt and capable of defending him/herself), most bets are ususally off as to whether an attempt is even made. If the target has gone hard and the attempt is still considered then you could take Texas law into effect and shoot the sob to defend yourself with the defense "he needed killin'.
If you lived such a life that you became a assasin's target I sort of doubt we would be having this discussion.
School and church shooters would quickly look for other targets if they felt any of their 'victim audience' were prepared and able to defend themselves. Don't forget these poor excuses for human beings are basically cowards who want such total control over their 'world' that a victim's resistance or effective defensive capability so totally squirrels their plans they are often lost. Have you noticed that when police are finally called into one of these situations the 'fight' doesn't last long? That's on accounta the cops shoot back.
Churches are gun free zones in Texas? What the hay happened there, you get yourself some sort of neu yawk bloomberg for governor? A gun free zone is only gun free to the law abiding targets - for criminals or those who know criminal behavior it should be considered a 'moving target zone'. If churches are gun free zones then what happens if I defend myself in one? This is curious - the Bible never said I should lay down like a lamb for the slaughter or that I should not go armed (by any means) to defend myself at prayer or in congregation or to not defend myself if attacked, so it must be OK with God to do that. If this is a state law then where does the state get the authority to rule over the church? If it's OK with God but not the governator then who's poo is really the weakest (hint: I wouldn't wanna be that governor). And, if you have to use a gun to defend yourself or others in a church in Texas and prevent loss of innocent life in the process, do you really think someone is going to try and vilify you for it....oh yeah, who wants to start that fire. 2 cents worth here.