I really feel our form of government, as prescribed by our founding fathers has reached the sunset of it's existence. Here's a great quote from Thomas Jefferson. Seems very applicable.
"Experience has shown that, even under the best forms of government, those entrusted with power have, in time and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny."
Thomas Jefferson:
Diffusion of Knowledge Bill, 1779.
Our government is actively and openly targeting specific individuals with the new 90% tax bill on the AIG bonus employees, Rush, Shawn, Joe the Plumber, Ann Coulter and there are others. We have really breeched a sacred line with this. The assault on our 2nd amendment, the pending assault on the 1st amendment with the resurgence of the Fairness Doctrine. The government injecting itself into private industries.
These are all in fact, acts of "tyranny".