Author Topic: Todays Montana Hunting story .......  (Read 593 times)

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Offline 1Southpaw

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Todays Montana Hunting story .......
« on: March 23, 2009, 08:46:46 AM »
As a few of you may know , I have one fine hunting dog . "Jack The wonder Airedale "
He is a born killer , a natural hunter , a dog not to be trifled with .

When he was a pup I would sic him on the cats . I didn't like the buggers on the car or on
front step .Wife didn't like the dumps in her flower garden.
In the beginning it was rather one sided , the cats all being equal size to and thinking they
were tougher than Jack ,bloodied his nose and tore his ears .

 As he got older , wiser and a bit better , he begin to catch the cats . After a few more
bloody noses and torn ears he perfected the "neck snap " 
The learning process was not with out a few tears on the wifes part but she managed to
learn to love Jacks neat dispatch of the flower crappin varmints.  :D

With the dispatch of the cat problem ,the mouse population rejoiced and procreated to
epidemic numbers in celebration .   
Seeing that all attempts at transplanting wild cats from town to the out buildings here had
failed .... I took Jack aside and explained that he would now be responsible for rodent
control .

 He has taken his duty serious and runs the trap line daily . When ever he finds a mouse in
the traps he gives the hue and cry .
If one does not respond right quickly he proceeds to peel open the traps to dispatch the contents .
I have learned that lesson in the pocket book
... $15 per trap , 10 traps .... yep I'm a fast learner . 

I have taken to putting traps under the step with a brick on top .( saves money that way   ;) )
I retrieve the trap and dump it's contents into a 5 gallon pail .
Jack then reaches in and grabs the rodents in the jaws of death . Purees them and gives them a decent burial .

Usually in the wifes garden , the grass compost pile , freshly cultivated trees , snow bank ,
depends on the season.

So this morning I let him out and in a few minutes he is giving notice .

A quick look , and a dump in the pail and out jumps 3 mice !   Jack  promptly grabs one
crunched it a half dozen times , spits it out goes for the second ,but the 1st is making
an attempt to crawl away . He spits the second one out , grabs up the first finishes it off and
goes for the 3rd.   
One happy Airedale , he is resting calmly on his bed as I type this ...

Another great day Hunting in Montana  :)

He doesn't look to happy @ having "his catch " Displayed

Three non-breeders less to contend with .
"Good Job Jack "

Left Handed people are in their right mind .

Offline Skunk

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Re: Todays Montana Hunting story .......
« Reply #1 on: March 24, 2009, 12:12:22 PM »
Great story Southpaw. Enjoyed it. Hope Jack got some good rest after that roundup.

"Praise the Lord and Pass the Ammunition" - Frank Loesser

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Re: Todays Montana Hunting story .......
« Reply #2 on: March 24, 2009, 12:19:49 PM »
Jack's a good dog, and my rat "terrors" only have him beat in one way...smaller land mines to clean up.  Way to go Jack!!!

Offline Skunk

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Re: Todays Montana Hunting story .......
« Reply #3 on: March 24, 2009, 12:41:35 PM »
Jack's a good dog, and my rat "terrors" only have him beat in one way...smaller land mines to clean up.

;D That's a great way to say that Double D. Land Mines indeed!! :D

"Praise the Lord and Pass the Ammunition" - Frank Loesser