Hadnt had anyone regulate the water fall yet, I strain the water barrel chunks and run the balance through one those forien made 3 element water filters supposed to strain Jardia. If Im in a hurry for Coffie I by pass the filter and go straight to the stove top them buggies settle to the bottom with the coffiee grounds.
I live in a Arid zone living 33 miles above the arctic circle, we dont have a regulated runoff issue like Colorado, Colorado would be touchy about there resivours not filling with runoff, in the post depression era the govt urged farmers and ranchers to terrace the fields and pastures to retain runoff, we dont have the population here like you do, All the lands are tied up as State, Federal and Native Coorporation, you would have to pass it by some sort of review committie to make diversion terraces here, rooting up the muskeg in the process.
Just this week I came across the refernce 'French Drains'