Most people don't realize how fragile a hold law enforcement really has. Law enforcement will only work if the populace is in full support of them. A case in point is the county I live in. It has a population of about 40,000. It covers about 760 square miles. The Sheriff's Dept. has about 40 employees. This includes deputies, jailers, secretaries, dispatchers etc. The local police departments, collectively, have about 60 officers. There might be 10 State police officers active in the county. So, you have basically 100 officers. If gun confiscation were to start and they really ticked off just 20% of the population, that is 8,000 people. 40% would be 16,000 people. The locals know exactly where most of these officers live. I believe there could easily be 200,000 firearms in this largely rural, hunting county. If a few of these officers did something really stupid and killed some folks over a gun confiscation, and the SHTF, how long would these 100 officers last? Three days? A week? One day? A few hours? You say, well, they will call in other cops. What if it happened nationwide, all at once? Then who are you going to call? All the police will be busy. The military? They can't seem to handle Afganistan. How would they handle a country this size, with this kind of population? Peace in this country is entirely based on the citizen's collective will. The State and Federal government's existance is dependant on the citizen's collective will. Without citizen support, the police would be history in a hurry! Scary isn't it? It may be a bit farfetched, but if the Government handled a mass gun confiscation wrong, it could very well happen. I hope it doesn't.