Started out with a well insulated cabin with loft for sleeping. (1) heat. LP gas stove from Fleet Farm, many vendors have them. The thermostat is controlled by mini-voltage that the heater itself makes. If I knew that the current economic situation was in the works, a wood burner would have been installed, but that can still be done. (2) generator is Honda 2000 which is good for a little over 15 amps. Pricey, but economical to run, and quiet. Actually an inverter. (3) 12 volt system are outside lights, some inside lights, 1 bathroom light. A regular long-run trolling motor battery runs this and is charged anytime the generator runs, charger is hooked up all the time. (4) inside water system is 12 volt irrigation pump from Northern Sales, hooked with pressure system to kitchen and bathroom. It will run even with generator off, of course. The small shed I have for generator has a 120 gallon tank that I fill right from the well, this is where the water supply goes to the 12 volt pump. Well has a Grundfoss pump that is easy start for the generator, needs no control or pressure system, hook up hose and turn on and fill, shut off. Water in well drains in a check valve to 20 feet down to prevent freezing.
(5) gas refrigerator came from Canada, my gas man got it for me. Largest one made, uses only about 30 gallons LP a year. Big freezer, wonderful unit. No noise, compressor, or fan. If I had LP where I live, I would have it in a minute in my house. So efficient is does not even need be vented out. I have a CD alarm and it has never went off. It actually heats the cabin when outdoor ambient is not below 48.
I have a ten gallon hot water heater that I changed element to 1500 instead of 2000 watts so generator can handle it. Also have 5500 btu air conditioner that the generator handles with ease, not with heater on though. With my generator, you have to watch when you run the larger items, but no problem for me. A larger generator hooked to LP would solve that problem.
Sun-Mar toilet is organic, vented out with 12 volt fan, easy because no water or septic, no odor, but am not sure long-term I would want it if I lived there.
All the separate wiring I did when the cabin was built, used brown electric outlets for 12 volt, white for 120 volt. Electric system works just fine. Taking a shower, 12 volt pump kicks in about 3 times.