Author Topic: this is a oklahoma ccw question  (Read 1609 times)

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Offline mattmillerrx

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this is a oklahoma ccw question
« on: June 26, 2009, 12:55:41 PM »
What is the law on carrying in places that post no gun signs? and what about work policies?  These places are legal for carry otherwise.  I think I know the answers to these but wanted to ask anyway.  Now, what if you have to use your gun in these places, What can the courts do or say about using a weapon in a place that prohibits it.

These questions are prompted from a recent court ruling in Oregon were a CCW permit was given back after a gun firing on drop in a hospital that had a policy against carrying.  She got the permit back but the judge and sheriff held the policy against her.  What saved her permit was the lack of knowledge of most employees of such a policy, as well as other things.

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Re: this is a oklahoma ccw question
« Reply #1 on: June 26, 2009, 02:19:13 PM »
As far as work is concerned, you should either ask your boss or Human Resources dept. if it okay to either have a weapon in your car or on your person.  Most will tell you NO on carrying on your person, but they might be okay with your weapon in your car.

Some say that you can carry in the "non-carry" stores and such, but keep it concealed.  I've heard some say if you carry it, just have it unloaded, but have the magazine in another pocket.  I'm not sure on the law, but you might check your local law enforcement agency on the "rules".

Good luck on finding out.  Be sure to pass on any info you find out.

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Re: this is a oklahoma ccw question
« Reply #2 on: June 26, 2009, 02:52:43 PM »
what  type  of gun went  off  from  being dropped??

if  they give permission  and something goes wrong  they may be sued
so  they will propbly  say no........don't ask

if  you HAVE  to use it.......... be glad  you got it

if  you already  told no are in deeper  dodo

i  carry at  work  in  florida......but  you ask about  oklahoma

get another job      if they won't let you carry
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Offline mattmillerrx

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Re: this is a oklahoma ccw question
« Reply #3 on: June 27, 2009, 01:16:20 AM »
what  type  of gun went  off  from  being dropped??

if  they give permission  and something goes wrong  they may be sued
so  they will propbly  say no........don't ask

if  you HAVE  to use it.......... be glad  you got it

if  you already  told no are in deeper  dodo

i  carry at  work  in  florida......but  you ask about  oklahoma

get another job      if they won't let you carry

From what I could tell it was a Cobra derringer.
As far as work is concerned, you should either ask your boss or Human Resources dept. if it okay to either have a weapon in your car or on your person.  Most will tell you NO on carrying on your person, but they might be okay with your weapon in your car.

Some say that you can carry in the "non-carry" stores and such, but keep it concealed.  I've heard some say if you carry it, just have it unloaded, but have the magazine in another pocket.  I'm not sure on the law, but you might check your local law enforcement agency on the "rules".

Good luck on finding out.  Be sure to pass on any info you find out.

We recently passed a worker protection law and several other states did as well.  This allows you to leave your gun in your car at work despite what ever policies they have against it.  They can not fire you for this.

As far as the little stickers go on businesses, I do not do business with stores with little stickers on them.  Around here at least many of the little stickers have come down, due to ccp holder writing them requesting they be removed.  Saying they have been check out by the county sheriff, osbi, and fbi as well as passed three test to be issued the permit to carry.
This came from a lawyer that handles ccp cases as well as none permit use cases:  He says do not carry in these places, but the kicker is it is not that you would not be legal carrying in these places but they could sue you for trespassing if you are caught carrying ( which in not likely to happen unless you have to use you gun).  My solution is to not go in these places and do business else where.  I do leave in my car now when I need to go into state, federal, or municipal buildings.  Which is all ok with the new law above. 

I need to find out for sure but I believe schools are still of limits for leaving you gun in your car.  It can not be on school ground at all but need to check it out with someone that can read law stuff better than me.

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Re: this is a oklahoma ccw question
« Reply #4 on: June 30, 2009, 05:55:28 AM »
Attached is the language from the Oklahoma SDA relating to carry on private property.

TITLE 21 § 1290.22. Business owner’s rights
A. Except as provided in subsection B of this section, nothing contained in
any provision of the Oklahoma Self-Defense Act, Section 1290.1 et
seq. of this title, shall be construed to limit, restrict or prohibit in any
manner the existing rights of any person, property owner, tenant,
employer, or business entity to control the possession of weapons on
any property owned or controlled by the person or business entity.

B. No person, property owner, tenant, employer, or business entity shall
be permitted to establish any policy or rule that has the effect of
prohibiting any person, except a convicted felon, from transporting and
storing firearms in a locked vehicle on any property set aside for any

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Re: this is a oklahoma ccw question
« Reply #5 on: June 30, 2009, 06:23:55 AM »
As far as the little stickers go on businesses, I do not do business with stores with little stickers on them. 

It is worth a call to the business. They may not know it is there!

We had a customer ask us why we had one once. WE HAD NOT PUT IT THERE.
Everyone here is a gun toting "redneck". Heck the owner stores his guns here.
How is he going to put a "No Firearms" sticker up?

Some left wind nut with a pocket full of stickers must have done us a favor.