Author Topic: electronic hearing protection question  (Read 733 times)

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electronic hearing protection question
« on: September 10, 2003, 11:27:18 AM »
hey guys,
been trying to sort through all the info regarding power muffs and such.
my buddy and i have tryed walker quad power muffs and pro ears stalkers
here is what we found-----
seems like the stalkers have a slight edge in amplification (even though both are rated at 50 db gain).

both are exellent at letting you here the bullet strike the target. no delayed or missed sounds. in fact i heard a coyote howl while i was shooting the other day. heard him, the gun, and the bullet strike. :(

seems like the amplification of both units is somewhat over rated.

different sounds are amplified in a varing degree... some sounds are not amplified much. maybe due to pitch and frequency.

all muffs are hard to wear in warm weather.

we were wondering how the walker muffs compare to the original game ear or the game ear II. it seems like the behind the ear model would be alot easier to wear.
do they do good job of protecting your ears when shooting loud guns?

does the game ear need to be worn two at a time?

any info would be appreciated.  thanks, jeff

Offline Jim n Iowa

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« Reply #1 on: September 10, 2003, 01:56:03 PM »
My hearing is gone, "huh" is the most frequent word I use. These Quad appeals to me. Can you use them in the field, (as in a stalk and pick up sounds never heard before?) Any input would be helpful.

Offline HappyHunter

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electronic hearing protection question
« Reply #2 on: September 10, 2003, 04:52:15 PM »
Jim n Iowa,

I have the quad ear muff and find that it does amplify otherwise unheard noise very well.  You will hear squirells that you previously missed, this is the extent of my hunting with them.  They will see this years dear season, and this falls Canadian Moose season as well.

They will make you aware of your own noise, man I am a loud, clumsy hunter with these on!  But I am working on being more quit.  Identify the problem and then fix it.

Hope this helps,

NRA Lifetime Member.

Offline Duffy

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electronic hearing protection question
« Reply #3 on: September 11, 2003, 07:12:43 AM »
I have the original game ear and only wear one. They amplify pretty good as I could hear what a couple of hunters were talking about at around 75-100 yards away when I turned it up. Wearing only one is sort of a pain because you only hear well on that side(I have a ear plug in the other). Your hunting partner needs to be on that side. It also only picks up higher pitched freq like snapping twigs, crunching leaves ect. Makes you sound like your rolling around in dry cornflakes. No wonder the deer are a mile away. :) Also the microphone is at the top of the unit so you hear more sounds that are up and kinda behind you. Jets sound really close and tweety birds can give you a bit of a rush when they flit by. I also had a ear piece made to fit my ear which is much more comfortable.

Offline Jim n Iowa

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« Reply #4 on: September 11, 2003, 03:06:50 PM »
Happy Hunter
I am putting the quads on my wish list for this year. I cango to the VA and get the hearing  aid but mentally not ready. The in field and on the range appeals to me. Let me know how your trip comes out. The best price I have seen is from Natchez $169 I believe.

Offline ConradCA

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Peltor Tac 6
« Reply #5 on: September 13, 2003, 12:27:07 PM »
I have the Peltor Tac 6s and have used them while hunting. The main difficulty I have with them is that the magnify the sounds I am not interested in hearing. The song birds and wind are very loud and clear.
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