ANY caliber/case combo can waste a barrel in a short time IF you go nuts with the velocity and pressures...and a whole lot of dogs barking at the sound of another dog barking and a bunch of total unadulterated BS being constantly spread aroung...P.O. Ackley proved a long time ago that any pressure over 40 KPSI will cause throat erosion...thoat erosion is what wears out barrels NOT the number of bullets...We're speaking of accuracy here not just banging around...keeping the pressures down in the mid 40's will slow down the throat erosion...not letting the barrel get hot, using cooler burning powders, flat based bullets and so on.
The level of accuracy you require is also limited by the velocity...there are a whole host of other parameters like powders, bullets, primers and what your rifle likes or gotta be smarter than a hammer to stretch the life of a barrel...I've shot out barrels in less than 500 rounds because they were BIG cases, small bores, used lots of powder, the pressure was jacked to the limit and beyond, to get the highest velocity possible...that was the goal...speed only...accuracy and barrel life were way down the list.
Most people want velocity...I wanted barrel longevity, modest velocity but high enough to vaporize squirrels so I took care to follow all the nuances to attain my goal...nothing special about the Midd and I guarantee I know shooters that want the highest velocity possible with it and their barrels get used up in less than 2000 rounds...most of the time much less. I don't know how long my pressent Midd will last, a rechambered SS T/C Encore but I suspect well over 2500 rounds. But bragging rights are personal...some want speed, some want something have to decide for yourself what you want.
I also shoot a 6mm-284 that is a "known barrel burner"...BS...all the same things that go for the Midd go for the 6mm-284 and even more so because the case is bigger...not to mention the 220 Swift...I've had 3 or 4 of them...I got higher velocities than the 22-250 and the barrel lives lasted directly proportional the the level of speed I ran them...pushed to the limit 1500 was a very good barrel...drop the velocity 100 fs, shoot slow and let the barrel cool down and you add life...doing the samo-samo to ANY high velocity round and you will extend the lif expectancy of the barrel by many rounds...doesn't really matter how big or how small the case is, it is all relative to a following a few basic tenents.
As far as what level you go to in the accuracy department, again, that is a choice you make...I don't bed the underlug per se, I bed the bottom sides of the frame where the barrel fits...the object is to return the barrel to as close to the same place as possible each time you close it...I use steel epoxy...Devcon, JB weld, Acra-glass bedding compound, etc., what ever I happen to have on hand...I've even used some two part epoxy I used to do golf clubs, mixed with some flock and steel or aluminum powder. I doesn't talk long to mix, run a small bead along the rails, close the barrel and leave overnight. Put lots of release material or you will have to freeze it or heat it to get it apart.
I also shim up tight for the same can't have consistent high accuracy without consistent can shoot a tiny group once or twice but not group after group after group...and don't try to snow me with stories... Ibendoondistolong.
Fred shows the way and how easy it is.
I just do a few things that I have learned over the years that help in the accuracy department like bedding(all rifles and sometimes shotguns) shimming the Handi, taking care with my brass prep and so on.
You don't HAVE to do anything other than shoot it and have all depends on how small a group you want and how consistent you want those groups to stay. My thinking is it doesn't take much time or effort to get from 1 1/2" groups down to 3/4" groups and the only accurate rifles are interesting to me...besides with the price of components today I REALLY HATE blowing all that money on a missed shot...doesn't matter if it is a squirrel or a paper target at 400 yards...I want to hit what I aim at.
Most of what I do or say in the reloading game is highly argumentative and usually gets into comparing apples with hambergers, the arguments get so far out of phase. It's like golf, bowling, baseball, racing etc...if you're not consistent you don't win.
Luck with your problem