Author Topic: difference between Contender/Encore forend mounting?  (Read 584 times)

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Offline rodgervich

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difference between Contender/Encore forend mounting?
« on: September 14, 2003, 05:29:16 PM »
I am making a barrel for my Contender but don't have a carbine forend or buttstock yet. Contenders have the little dovetail mounting system with the sliding gizzies in them, how do Encore forends mount? I have never seen an Encore system so I don't know how they work. I have a blank barrel and I can do anything to it in order to mount a forend, curious if Encore forend would be a simpler than the dovetails.
If anyone could post reply with pics and/or dimensions (spacing & thread) for Encore forend scheme I would be very thankful!
And also, any reason not to mix stock parts? What exactly is the difference between Cont & Enc stocks, can they be modified to fit each other?
Thanks in advance!

Offline John Traveler

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making a Contender barrel
« Reply #1 on: September 14, 2003, 05:42:09 PM »
I was just curious:

1.  What caliber is your home-made Contender barrel?

2.  How will you attach the barrel to the locking/hinge mechanism?

John Traveler

Offline rodgervich

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wildcat 17
« Reply #2 on: September 14, 2003, 05:50:04 PM »
I'm making a 17 cal wildcat on a 5.7x28 case.
I have a Green Mountain barrel blank and an underlug from Virgin Valley.
I will be arc welding them together, none of my friends have a TIG that I can use. There will be some cleanup of the weld but I think it'll turn out OK. Have to drill/ream hinge pin hole after the weld, shouldn't be a problem.

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difference between Contender/Encore forend
« Reply #3 on: September 14, 2003, 06:17:28 PM »
Encore barrels simply have a pair of holes drilled and tapped in the bottom of the barrel.  Since you are doing a 17, you will have extra barrel to work with and you could do this.  If you have a milling machine, I would order a couple of the dovetail inserts and mill them into the barrel using either S14 or carbine spacing.  You can't really use an encore forend or stock set with the contender.  The encore is just big for it to look right.  You could use glass and make the encore stock and forend fit, but it wouldn't come out looking right especialy since contender hardware is readily available.

Offline OnTarget

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difference between Contender/Encore forend
« Reply #4 on: September 15, 2003, 01:20:30 PM »
The 12-15 inch foreend on the Encore uses the spacing from the front of the lug to the first hole .....1.000", then from the initial point on the lug to the next hole is 2.525".  On the carbine distance the first hole is the same 1.000" and the next hole is 6.000" from the front of the lug.  The foreend screw hole locations are drilled and tapped for #8-40.

Good luck,
Mike Sirois
Dover, NH