I have done extensive experimenting with sabots, and I dont care what anybody say's....you will never get the accuracy of the caliber the rifle was chambered for. Also....they are faster...but lack penetration, as fast as they are, they are just a 'pop-corn fart'. Faster is not always better. You will be better served with 125 gr Speer TNT's for varmint hunting. They are a 'bat out of hell', and they will also be very accurate in your rifle. The sabots ARE fun to play with, especially if you re-load, but I found them hard to control, at 25 yds, about 30% of them were key-holing and going completely sideways. I would certainly not like to get hit with one going sideways at +3000 fps. If you could work up a load with these that cycled the action on an SKS, you would have a very nasty home defense weapon for close work. Ouch. These bullets are the KING of the tumbler, would make a real mess spitting out 30 rounds.