All I can say is WOW! I always associated air rifles with the Red Rider(my first) and the Crossman 760(my second). I had shot the Sheridans but they all fell under the same category to me. Until recently, I had no practical use for an air rifle but a family of Opossum changed all that. It seems that I dispatched the Mom back in the spring after cornering her in my garage and I reluctantly did it with my Buck Mark Camper. Being in a residential area, firearm discharge would get me 90 days and no hunting license next year. Anyway, to combat these defiant little snarling b@st@rds, I decided to go the air rifle route. I read up on them, visited all the discount department stores and figured that 500 to 700 fps would cost be a couple of hundred $'s. Then, I came across a Winchester, with a blistering 1,000 fps for a little over a hundred bucks. Whew, with an old steel tube Weaver K4, it groups inside a dime at 25 yards. I might actually take it squirell hunting this year. God help the pest that steps foot in my back yard or lands in my trees. :grin: