I lived on a 43 acre farm for 15 years. I learned alot.
Definitely get the books (in paperback) Foxfire 1 and Foxfire 2. Most large libraries have these, and if not, I am sure you can find them for cheap on line. They contain tons of very useful information on self-sufficient living. The rest of the books in the series (Foxfire 3 thru 7?), don't have much of value in them.
Rabbits and chickens are all you need to raise and will supply all of your meat. But, if you buy your 3 acre lot in a subdivided tract, then the restrictive covenants that will apply to your lot will almost certainly ban chickens, and almost every other useful farm animal. So, you have to make sure that you do not buy land in a subdivision.
Forget cows and pigs. Just plain forget them. Besides the rabbits and chickens, all you need is two or three good milk goats. They are extremely easy to care for, very hardy and friendly animals, and will provide you with all of the milk and cheese that you need. And, believe it or not, goat meat is pretty mild and tastes really good. DO NOT GET A BILLY GOAT! THEY STINK TO HIGH HEAVEN (glands behind their horns), ARE MEAN, AND OFTEN DANGEROUS! THEY WILL CLIMB OUT OF ANYTHING, AND EAT UP ANYTHING!
You are going to have to pay someone to drill a well. Then, you simply buy a hand-pump, and have it installed. (But, have you ever tried to prime a pump, to get it started, by pouring a bucket of water down into the spout, when it is about 25 degrees outside, or raining or snowing?? It's brutal!)
You would be much better of by having an electric pump installed in the well (which is the norm), and having the wires from the pump come out of the top of the steel well casing, and simply plug it into a small gasoline powered generator once a day. You could then run the generator for 15 minutes or so, and pump the water into a clean plastic holding tank, to provide you with a one or two days of water.
A rough cabin, or a good plywood shed, is about 100 times more comfortable than a tepee. Forget the tepee. You need a place where you can get warm and stay warm, and have a wood stove, and above all have or make lots of hot water. Having hot water is the difference between staying clean and happy, and being filthy and miserable!
Just some initial thoughts.
Regards, Mannyrock