my mind goes wondering back.. for me ..
president isenhour has won the atlantic war an is a hero..
they say he ll be president mabe..theres a gas war going on,here in my town ,got mine for 14 cent today .. some people was filling 55 gal drums.. skeeters is rough but not gonna look into that air cooler gismo ,i saw it in a magazine.. lone ranger will be the highlite of the day for the kids..if not they can watch cloudy m c clain do the weather..looking forward to sat.. going up to the a&p in monroe get groceries . a 12 mile trip ,both ways..younguns always get a little something that day,so they really look forward to it..
neighbors building a fall out shelter ..since the russians got the bomb we kinda scared of the big one..oh well i jus heard mama holler supper at the back door.. umm hope its macaroni or something..slim