Author Topic: shot the PF9 some comments  (Read 840 times)

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Offline ONE HOLE 4570

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shot the PF9 some comments
« on: May 09, 2009, 04:28:16 AM »
Well I got to run some rounds throught the PF9. $ diff hp's & ball 200 rds in all.

Yes it has a bark but did not hurt the hand. Not one failure, shot 2 handed 1 hand strong & week no failures. Does shoot low. I was at the plinking range 25 yrd & hit a 18 x 24 steel target 70% of the time with a little hold over. not too bad for an up close & personel pistol.

I noticed thet the magazin will not fall clear now, but did when new. anyone else notice this is there a fix for it, haven't had time to give it a detailed inspection

Also the mag followers are getting chewed up, is there steal followers avalible

all in all a pretty good little pistol
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Offline Savage

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Re: shot the PF9 some comments
« Reply #1 on: May 12, 2009, 11:21:34 AM »
Cruise on over to KTOG forum and check out the PF9 section. You'll find a lot of tips and info on the pistol. One thing that might help you, is to depress the mag catch when you insert a fresh magazine. If you just slam the mag into the pistol, the steel mag with eventually damage the plastic mag catch. That may be the cause of your mags no longer dropping free. Haven't heard about the mag follower problem, perhaps the guys on KTOG can help there.
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