Bow or Gun?
There are some fine deer on the base, but because of limited or no access to certain areas(North and South impact areas for example) they can be impossible to get to. The deer have also learned that staying close to the buildings keeps them safe. Some areas around the main part of the base are limited to active duty personal only. But with 60000 acres, there's a lot of room to roam, and there is a good deer population. Access can change daily during bow season as training areas change daily. Some areas are always open, while some are only accessible for a limited time. There was at one time, a no headlight rule in some areas, which meant civilians could not drive in these areas with their headlights on....thus no getting to stand before daylight or staying on stand till dark, if you had to drive to it. Don't know if this is still the case. During the regular gun season many of these rules are eliminated. No permanent stands are allowed nor is the clearing of shooting lanes. This is strictly enforced. Violations are Federal....not state. As on any public accessible land, one should have several stand options as not only does access change, but you have no control over other hunters and their location. Altho there is limit to how many hunters are allowed on base daily during the gun season, there are still the problems of someone bumping you or ending up sittin' on top of you. Those stands that are easily identified and easy to get to will be crowded.