I left work early yesterday to try to get to the range. Didn't make it...

Once I got home and sat down in my man cave I was just to tired to go out again...

So, while trying to work up enough energy to go upstairs to bed I thought I'd load some more .358 Wins for when I do go shooting. I loaded four groups of three rounds each, the powder charge in each group increased by .5 gr. over the previous one; I'm still working up this year's hunting load for my M99.
The last group was to have been 40.5 gr. After charging the cases I looked into them and noticed the powder level was half way up the case neck. That was strange as I didn't remember the 40 gr load filling the case that much...

So I checked my scale and reweighed the charge. Right on the money. Dispite the nagging feeling that something was wrong I seated bullets on 2 of the 3 cases, a compressed load.
It was only after I saw that I would have to adjust my seating die to get the OAL down to where I wanted it that the fog in my mind parted and I looked at my scale. It was not set at 40.5 gr, it was set at 45 gr!

Since the max load for the powder I was using was 42 gr., I could have had an unpleasant day at the range if I had continued to ignore the uneasy feeling...

Just a few days earlier I noticed that I had noted the charge on a bag of 44 Mags I had loaded as
18.3 gr. of Unique! I knew I meant to load them with 8.3 gr. so I pulled one and checked the charge to make sure. Fortunately the were loaded with 8.3 gr. I had just writen down the wrong numbers.

I'm making too many mistakes...