I feel a little odd posting this but here goes.
A quick run down on this.
I have know this man for most of my life.
We all but grew up together attending middle school together until the 9th grade, 1972 or 73 when he quit school and used his brothers ID and joined the navy.
I lost track of him for the next 10 or 12 years.
I went on a fox hunt with some friends who said they had someone they wanted me to meet.
I knew him as HERB but they called him BIG JIM.
Wow, my old school mate after all that time.
We have been inseparable ever since.
He has been out of a job for about 8 months but was prepared and had saved his money to get them through the tough times.
He has also sold some of his guns and a lot of ammo to help out to.
He is back to work now and doing fine.
We hunt together almost every week and go to the Candy Shop several times a month.
We are always trading guns back and forth.
A few months ago on one of our Candy Shop trips I bought an as new Marlin lever action with octagon barrel in 38-55 for $379.00 out the door.
He has been after me to sell it to him.
I am not a Marlin man and told him I would let him buy it when I found a Winchester to replace it.
Tonight I gave it to him as a gift from one friend to another.
Now picture a monster of a mountain man with full beard, long hair and a voice as loud as thunder who was at a loss for words.
He offered to pay me but what is friendship worth?
I have said this many times here on GBO that
FRIENDS is what life is all about!
Life has been pretty good to me with the exception of my health the last few years and the economy the past two years.
I am almost 52 years old and don't owe a dime, with a farm and a wonderful family to share it with.
I help those that really need help - stop to change a tire for a lady along the road, jump start a car for some kid who left his lights on all day at school, volunteer at school with the FFA, help coach my youngest son's little league team, work on a customers livestock trailer and very seldom charge them, things like that.
I didn't post this to crow or brag, just as a reminder that our life here on earth is very short.
Make the most of it, help out those that need it.
Honor thy
GOD and cherish your family.
Keep your true friends close.
Honor your word.
I will finish with a quote from my GRANDFATHER, one more time
No, I still don't have my Winchester.