As many of you know my son, myself, and my wife like and have high performance sports cars. Today my son was taking me into Fairbanks. Good 4-lane divided highway all the way, and as soon as Sky got onto the highway he set the cruise on 55. We passed a late model Pontiac sitting at an entrance ramp like it was waiting for someone. My son drives a Mitsubishi Eclipse GT. After going a little way, Sky committed about how fast the Pontiac was gaining on him. Zoom it went by at a high rate of speed, blew our doors off so to speak. Well we watched the guy pull off the road and wait. After we went by he pulled out and came up on us fast again. After passing us he slowed down and let us catch up. He tried to goad Sky into a race. Sky just looked at the guy, laughed, gave him the thumbs down sign, waved him forward, then ignored him. The guy took off fast.
After the guy got ahead of us Sky started laughing again. Sky said "That guys going to be sorry if the State Trooper is sitting up here as usual". Sure enough the Trooper was there, and this guy blew by well over 100 mph. Trooper was driving one of those new Dodge Chargers, and was smoking the tires going after this guy. Three or four miles down the road there they were sitting on the side of the road, lights flashing. Trooper was smiling, driver of Pontiac was not. Sky just had to honk his horn and wave as we went by.
After a couple of stops in town we decided to eat lunch. As we stopped we noticed a Trooper car sitting at the restaurant. It was one of those new Dodges. As Sky pulled into a parking spot in front of the window the Trooper looked out, saw the Eclipse, and pointed at Sky. Sky said, "Oh No, wonder what that guy told him about me". I commited about how blowing the horn did not help.
We went in and took a table next to the Trooper, I know him he stopped me several times to look at the prototypes I used to drive for VW. Trooper ask Sky what he was blowing at earlier, Sky laughed and told the Trooper what had happened. Sky said he just could not resist laughing at the guy getting the ticket. Trooper asked if he was sure he was not racing. Sky again laughed and said "Not with my Dad in the car, ask him". I agreed with Sky.
Trooper finished his meal, while he and Sky talked about his new Dodge. And the Trooper asked Sky about the Eclipse. When the Trooper finished he picked up his coffee and joined us at our table. We talked cars, speeders, and hunting for a good twenty minutes. Finally the Trooper said he had to go catch more speeders, told Sky to make sure he was not one of them. Sky laughed and said "Not me, I know better".
I asked Sky later if he had ever raced. Sky admitted he had raced his truck, but only on a track, not on the public roadway. Sky then said "Dad I don't have to prove anything to anyone, there are only five cars in town that are even in the same class as my car, and Mom drives one of them. The other four all know each other and we all agree with the stats of our cars and know what each one will do so we don't have to race to know where we would place, so why endanger our cars". "They cost too much"!
Sky remembers this big loud mouth that came into town last year and wanted to race everyone. He finally brought his hopped up Mustang to the Drag Races on Labor Day. On the green light he went about 100 ft lost control and hit the wall. Totally destroyed the car. Driver was OK, but car a total loss. Word went around later that the Mustang was his only car, and that he had only made 4 or 5 payments on it. Wife processed him for discharge a couple of months later for failure to meet his financial obligations. The Army sent him home.