Well, I tried the RCBS 145 grain Silhouette bullet for my 10" 7mmTCU barrel, no such luck. Then I switched, the Lyman 135 grain Loverin style that almost guarantees an exposed lube groove, done with Carnuba Red and 15.8 grains of SR4759 hits the paper at 200 yards! One of the guys here listed that load, and he's absolutely correct. You can hit paper at 100 yards with 15.5 grains and load to 15.8 for 200 yards(although I think it's really meters, the way the range is set up).
This one had me moping for a few months so, as fraught with problems as it was, today I'm really happy to have hit and listened to the resounding 'Whap' of bullet hitting home!
This is probably where I need to thank the other shooters on this forum too. I'm not sure which one of the guys mentioned using the 135 Lyman but, he was absolutely right. To whomever it was I listened to, chances are an IHMSA shooter, Thank You from the Bottom of my teeny little heart. It's made my week just to have this one work out.