People ! 
Think in how many countries you can make negative remarks about your head of State w i t h o u t some organ of the Government paying you a midnight visit and a free ride to destination "UNKNOWN".
All in al you are still in better shape then many other places, hang in there. 
That is of no consequence here. We have been a free nation, and have the right to free speech. Just because other countries did not have the stones to stand up for themselves, and lost there rights, does not take away from the issues at hand.
The Government works for we the people, not the other way around. "When the people fear their government; it's called tyranny. When the government fear the people; it's called Liberty."
We " the people of the United States of America" is a phrase we are being forced to forget. We see a great country being over-managed, as to create a smaller,more easily controlled populace.
We see corporations being destroyed, and Monopoly money being spent everywhere, and as our freedoms are taken away;replaced by a tyrannical form of government; do you believe it now?
Cowards are allowing this; our elected officials(cowards) are allowing a take over. Power-Fame-Money, and Control is all they want.
Remember: a democracy is not a republic. A republic is by the people. A democracy is against the people. Is it too late? I think it is.