$1000.00 does not buy much when it comes to European single shot stalking rifles. The Brno is perhaps the cheapest at about $1400US? The stock has too much drop for scope mounting, and for old eyes open sights are not much good. My self I could not use a rifle without a scope and a 6lbs rifle in 30-06 would not be my cup of tea.
The rest of the continental offerings are very expensive, Merkel, Blaser, Krieghoff, Ferlach and a few others start at $4000US.
The Ruger #1 or #3 are hard to beat in the light sporter 1-A or the #1 International 1-RSI, and as far as looks are concerned they look very good and shoot even better. I can't see anything objectional about the stocks on a #1. I have several #1's and a #3 and all shoot less than a minute.
So my advise is to get a Ruger #1 or a #3 and get in under $1000. #3's are not quite as easy to find in a desireable caliber.
There is one other advantage of the Rugeres they can easy be rebored and rechambered. This last winter I had a used 243 #1 rebored to 6.5x284. This rifle turned out to be an incredable accurate shooter.
So if you can find a 244 or a 6mm Rem you are all set to have a 6.5x57 for and extra $300 rebored, or less in Canada. I now have three rebored ( cut rifling) rifles and all are tack drivers, two are H&R Handi's. I revamped another used #1 in 243, I installed a 7x57 take off barrel I bought from Numrich for a reasomable price, it too shoots great.