Author Topic: '58 Army "Jewel"  (Read 1309 times)

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Offline Boge

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'58 Army "Jewel"
« on: December 25, 2002, 09:32:47 AM »
:grin:  I bought a used Pietta '58 Army last week at a local gunshow that had been "aged" by someone before me. It was imported by Navy Arms. I had never owned a Pietta before and was leery, as I own two Uberti Colt style cap 'n balls and they are real shooters and have read horror stories about Pietta's QC.  I got her home & cleaned 'er up & went packin' to the range. The bore was very rough with what looked like bad chatter marks. I loaded up 25 gr. FFFg Elephant and topped it off with a Lee 1.0 cc scoop of Cream of Wheat/Grits mix & then .454 balls. After lubing the mouths with Crisco I let 'er rip at about 10 yds. ONE RAGGED CLUSTER DEAD NUTS ON!!!! I was shocked to say the least!!!!!! WOW!!!!!! What fool sold this gun??!!!!!!  IMHO many people don't take the time to wring out a cap 'n ball before pronouncing it a lemon. Although it looks over a hundred yrs. old this baby can shoot!!!!!!!  You can't beat luck!!!!!!!!!! :-D

Offline Flint

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« Reply #1 on: December 25, 2002, 11:05:45 AM »
Boge, Pietta (Uberti also) marketed "aged" revolvers, if the previous owner didn't age it, it may have come that way from the factory.  I've never had a problem with a Pietta 58 shooting, just their final fit and finish, and some of the shapes on their Colts. Pietta internals on the 58 are different (mostly the bolt) from an Uberti.
Flint, SASS 976, NRA Life

Offline River runner

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'58 Army "Jewel"
« Reply #2 on: December 30, 2002, 04:11:17 PM »
Boge, I've got two of the Pietta '58 Remingtons, and they have been my SASS match guns for some time. I did do a little polishing and adjusting, but they are as reliable as any center fire single action I've ever owned. In a combination of practice and matches, they have both fired over a 1000 rounds each without any repairs, still have the same nipples that came with 'er. Bought mine thru Cabella's. RR