Author Topic: Request Experiences Loading Cast in 9.3X62  (Read 1038 times)

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Offline shotgun31

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Request Experiences Loading Cast in 9.3X62
« on: June 13, 2009, 05:18:16 AM »
There's a 9.3X62 on the way, and I'm requesting advice from the guys here that are experienced in using cast bullets in the 9.3 bore?

I'm an experienced cast bullet shooter, and have cast and loaded in .30-06, 357 and 44 magnum;  shot thousands of them with wonderful results.  As I look through the molds, sizes, etc I'm having no luck in the .366-370 caliber area.  What are you using? 

There's got to be somebody out there that has cracked the code on this caliber?  What mold size do you use, what gas check, size to diameter, etc.

Or, do you paper patch?
Thanks in advance!

Offline Nrut

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Re: Request Experiences Loading Cast in 9.3X62
« Reply #1 on: June 13, 2009, 09:43:35 PM »
What rifle are you buying Shotgun31?...The reason I ask is there issues with "some" of the older Husky's the are now being imported...Ie. groove up to .371" and only will chamber a loaded round with a max. sized boolit of .369"....I have three 9.3X57 Huskys that are like that! ::)
I also have a CZ550 in 9.3X62 and am shooting boolits from two NEI molds and a RCBS .375/250gr lubed/ckecked and sized down to .369"  Shoots very well with lighter loads of H4895...
If you decide to go with the NEI molds tell them to cut the gas shank for .375 checks..They sent me molds with shanks for a .358" checks and there was no way in ____ that they would stay on..It was a pain to hand scrape the molds (two three cav. molds) for .375 checks...
The only source for 9.3 molds that I know about are
Mt. Molds
CBE (out of Australia)

And as stated above you can size down .375 thru .383 boolits also "if" you lube them first and use a few custom push thru dies with enough bearing surface so the boolit won't bend....For my RCBS .375 mold I just use a .369" push thru..I then taper the nose a bit so I can seat the boolit with the gas check in the neck...

Offline shotgun31

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Re: Request Experiences Loading Cast in 9.3X62
« Reply #2 on: June 15, 2009, 03:30:57 PM »
Thanks for the reply Nrut.  I'm getting a CZ550 American.  I'm searching for experiences, especially concerning molds.  Your comments about NEI molds are most welcome.  I've been hearing about some quality issues from NEI a while ago, anyone have recent information on NEI?

I've checked out a couple of the mold mfgr's you listed on the internet this weekend.  Most seem to favor the .375 gas checks for the 9.3 but your suggestion was right-on and appreciated.  CBE has a bunch of 9.3 designs.   

Can you help me with advice on a source for "push through" dies.  I'm aware lee makes them;  others?  And lube.  What lube do you use for the push through operation?
Regards;  Shotgun

Offline Nrut

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Re: Request Experiences Loading Cast in 9.3X62
« Reply #3 on: June 15, 2009, 04:54:07 PM »
Hello shotgun..
I run my .375 and .380 -.384 boolits thru regular Star lubrasizer dies to lube them and install the gas check...Then I run them thru Lee type push thru dies to the size I need...Lee will make custom sized push thru's but there is a fellow on the castboolit forum that goes by the screen name of Buckshot that makes these dies also..I have him make my custom sized dies because his dies are better (longer bearing surface), cost less and he can have the custom dies to you in a short while as Lee is swamped and they have a long waiting period..Fact is Buckshot just put some sizers in the mail for me today...He also makes custom expanders for Lee, RCBS and Lyman "M" expander dies...
My CZ550 is the full stock are the specs.
Groove  .367"
Bore      .361"
Throat   .371"+ tapered to .368" at the lands
Throat length is .370" from case mouth to start of Lands which is quite long..
I can hand seat a .369"/.370" boolit in a unsized fired case...So I size my boolits .369"

If you order a mold before you make a throat slug I suggest that you make sure the boolit is going to be at least .369 in dia. with your alloy...If you use a a Star lubrasizer there is another fellow that on Castboolits that makes dies for them and at better price than Magma does...I am not sure but I think Buckshot makes custom sizing dies for the RCBS and Lyman sizers...
I have had this rifle for 3 years now but haven't shot it much because of other projects and work..I do have some rounds with lwt. boolits, 238grs loaded up for the next range trip...This boolit is from a 38-55/.375 Win.  group buy at the castboolit site and started out at .380" in dia....
My long term goal with this rifle is is 2200 - 2300fps with cast and at least 1 1/2" MOA ...I am also working with a .35 Whelen, 8X57, and newly acquired .308 and .405 Win....lot's to do  :)

As an after thought you may want to go to tthe castboolit site and offer to buy some boolits to try or contact Bullshop there and have him make you some boolits sized the dia. you want...I use his lube "Greenspeed"...His link is at the bottom om the web pages there..That way you'll have something to shoot while waitng on your mold..I would send you some of mine to try but I am sure there would be border issues with U.S customs..
Good luck... :)

One more trick..order Hornady reloading dies as they have a sliding bushing insert for their seating dies that you can hone out (a pain) or you can replace with a .375 bushing... That way you'll be able to easliy seat these fat boolits..These bushing are easliy removeable from the die..I use Hornady's for all my cast boolit reloading  now...It has taken me along time to figure all this crap out!.. ;D

Offline shotgun31

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Re: Request Experiences Loading Cast in 9.3X62
« Reply #4 on: June 16, 2009, 01:43:24 PM »
Well, Nrut, aren't you the one!  There's 2 years worth of trial and error in this one response--far more than I had hoped for.  Thanks for your help, and the tip on Buckshot.  I'm going to go searching for him. I use a Saeco sizer, I'd think he'd be able to hone a .363 (the largest cataloged by Saeco) to .369 without too much trouble.

Thanks again,