So, I snag this sweet little .223 Synthetic Youth (from here) and it's in great shape and cute as a bug. Stock even fits well enough to use it so I stuck a new Weaver "fixed-six" on top that was hiding in the gun safe from '98. The first round I dropped in the chamber fell right past the ejector - "clink," pretty as you please.
So, I start monkeying with it and looking at it, opening/closing the ction and see the ejector falls out of the way at full-open. Hah! Easy! I just don't open it all the way when I drop a round in. Well, that is a bit easier said than done, as if it's too far closed the ejector drags on the body of the case. Checked the FAQs and found some good extractor/ejector info, but nothing on this.
Somewhere in between fully open and not quite fully open, it would work perfectly but it's awkward to try to hold the action open "just so" as you drop the cartridge into the chamber.
Am I just no holding my mouth right?
Jeff H