Yesterday I heard on the radio that the first college he attended was Occidental College in Los Angeles. For a smaller liberal arts college they have a diverse student body.
One of the groups trying to ferret out the truth about Barack Hussein's nativity figured they just may be able to settle the question. At "Oxy" as the alumni call it, when a student gets some taxpayer paid tuition, apparently a foreign born student gets an extra break.
Since they are getting a special break, such a student must register whether they are or are not foreign born.
The investigative group figured if they could get such records released, they may settle the matter....
Soon as they got wind of it, BHO's lawyers sought & got a restraining order..keeping Oxy from releasing such information...
Now, common sense tells me that if BHO wanted doubts settled, he would have let Oxy go ahead and release such info, absolving him of blame..